Your website just launched, the floodgates are open and you're ready to make some sales but wait a second, where's all the traffic?
Although most people will teach you how to build a website, they often omit how to drive traffic to it.
In this article, you will learn how to drive an ever increasing amount of traffic to your brand new website.
♦ Be Active In Social Networking
The best plan of action prior to releasing a new website is to be active in social networking websites. This early participation allows you to generate buzz and early followers before the website ever goes up. Once the site is up, you can unleash the traffic.
If the website is already up however, it's important to begin building relationships with people within your niche interest. Join social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, seek out those interested in your topics and let them know where to find you.
♦ Submit Your Articles To Bookmarking Sites
Social bookmarking sites allow you to share content with others on the web and then vote to see which article is most popular.
These social bookmarking websites are a great way to send an initial amount of traffic to a new website as it's very unlikely your website will be showing up in search results just yet. Additionally, if an article reaches the front page on these social bookmarking sites, you have to the chance to send thousands of new visitors to your freshly launched website.
♦ Hold A Contest During Your Launch
Want to launch your website with a bang? Consider holding a contest!
A contest is a great way to drive loads of traffic to a new website and the best part is that the contest can be just about anything. A small investment in a cool gadget, money or service is enough to get people to flock to your blog in hopes of winning the prize.
In the meantime, people will share your website with others, doubling the traffic with every additional person being told.
♦ Show Lots Of Link Love
Webmasters love it when you link to their content – it's the basics of building backlinks.
Most often, webmasters will keep alerts to when their content or website is mentioned on the web. Curiosity takes hold and will drive these webmasters over. Additionally, if a webmaster repays the favor, they will link your website on theirs which sends plenty of traffic to your new website.
♦ Don't Forget Search Engine Optimization
The key to reaching high ranks in search engines rely heavily on search engine optimization.
Craft each page for the specific keywords you're targeting, build backlinks, optimize everything and soon you'll see your rankings jump. As you ascend to the top of search engines, you will begin receiving more and more traffic to your website.
♦ Comment On Blogs
One great tactic for driving traffic to a new website is by commenting on blogs within your niche. Just do a search for your keyword + blog and you'll soon find hundreds, if not thousands of blogs within your niche.
Read through the blog posts and add to the conversation with a comment. Readers will appreciate great comments and often follow through with the link you provide in the comment field. The more blogs you can comment on, the greater chances you have at driving traffic to your new website.
♦ Guest Post On Websites
Many webmasters don't have time to write every day of the week – this can be a great advantage for you as a guest post will be timely and helpful for those websites.
You have to remember that a guest post isn't just about gaining a backlink; it can also drive traffic to your new website simply because the community will find your information helpful and want to know more.
Keep a list of websites within your niche, begin building a relationship and eventually contact these webmasters to see if you can write for their website.
♦ Write Timeless and Shareable Content
One fundamental tactic to drive traffic to a new website is to open with a bang – aka. Write content which people want to share and link.
This type of content will take you quite some time to produce but the lasting benefits are priceless. If your article is picked up by others, it will spread like wildfire on both websites and in social media. This is by far one of the best ways to drive traffic to a website.
♦ Post On A Schedule
Consistency is key when it comes to keeping readers engaged on the web.
Coincidentally, search engines also love websites that stay up to date with information, rewarding these websites with higher rankings. Higher rankings means you have a better chance to pull in search engine traffic. Likewise, your community will also begin to build due to the sheer amount of information you give them.
♦ Interview A Few Key Players In Your Niche
One heavily under appreciated tactic for driving traffic to a new website are interviews.
Even though you may not have a lot of authority just yet in your niche, you can still reach out to other webmasters and ask for interviews. This will gain those backlinks and exposure but the webmasters will return the favor by sharing the interview with their own community – sending quite a bit of traffic.
♦ Brand Yourself From The Beginning
Branding is arguably the most powerful form of marketing on the web. A strong brand will give you authority and control over your niche which in turn commands a large chunk of traffic.
If possible, try launching your new website after you've already built a great brand; if not, get out on the web and show your authority. With authority comes great amounts of traffic due to the buzz generated by others talking about you and your brand – this is power.
♦ Conclusion
Each of the tactics discussed in this article are real ways webmasters drive traffic to a newly launched website. With each additional tactic you implement, the greater compound actions you will create to drive a massive flood of traffic. It will take time and effort but if you plan to stick around, you will need to learn these techniques.